Managing Master Data with webMethods OneData 10.4 | Managing Master Data with webMethods OneData | webMethods OneData User’s Guide | Working with the Data Steward User Interface | Working with Workflow Items in the Data Steward User Interface
Working with Workflow Items in the Data Steward User Interface
Although workflow behavior remains the same as in Nova mode, in the Data Steward user interface, the Workflow view offers you a user-friendly interface for basic workflow functionalities.
For the workflow functionalities not supported, use the Nova mode, as described in Managing Workflow.
In the Data Steward user interface, OneData organizes workflow items into separate tabs that enable approvers to easily identify all their pending workflow actions:
*My Inbox. Contains data changes for objects that the signed-in user owns and must approve for data transactions other users have submitted for approval.
*My Workflow Transactions. Contains workflow items submitted for approval by the signed-in user.
Signed-in users can view details of their workflow transactions.
*My Admin Inbox. Contains all pending workflow items that are pending for all users. Users with administrative privilege can override the defined workflow to approve an pending item.

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