Managing Master Data with webMethods OneData 10.4 | Managing Master Data with webMethods OneData | webMethods OneData User’s Guide | Working with Data Objects in Nova Mode | Inserting and Editing Records in the Consolidated Hierarchy View
Inserting and Editing Records in the Consolidated Hierarchy View
Use the following procedure to view and edit objects and records associated with non-recursive (or leveled) objects in the consolidated hierarchy view.
The consolidated hierarchy view enables you to:
*View all the object and record nodes associated with the selected root object in a tree hierarchy in the left panel.
*View all the objects and records associated with the selected root object in a single, scrollable view in the right panel.
*Insert new records at any level in the record hierarchy, except at the root level.
While inserting new records, the consolidated hierarchy view does not support the following. Use the Default or Nova mode, instead.
*CLOB, BLOB, file type, and timestamp data types
*Supertype subtype structure
*Edit and save changed a record at any level in the record's detail window.
*Edit record columns at the leaf level inline and save the changes.
*Edit multiple objects and records inline and save all changes in a single click.
* To insert or edit records of a root object of a non-recursive object in the consolidated hierarchy view
1. On the Menu toolbar, click Manage > Manage Data.
2. Navigate to the non-recursive object in which you want to add records and click on it.
The object's root records appear in a data grid.
3. Select the row of the relevant root record and click the Edit Hierarchy icon.
The selected root record details and the associated child object record details appear in the consolidated hierarchy view.
Tip: To return to the root record list, click Go Back to Record List above the left panel.
4. Click on the required object or record in the left panel or scroll through all the child object record details in the right panel, and do any of the following:
Do this...
Edit multiple object records and do a global save at the root-record level
a. In the right panel, make the inline edits to the object or record.
You make inline edits to the root record, all associated objects and records, except at the leaf level.
b. Scroll to the top of the root object and click Save.
Edit all leaf-level object record details and save the changes
The user-level preferences defined control the record columns displayed in the data grid. Use this edit option to edit reference columns and columns not displayed in the data grid.
In the data grid at the leaf level:
a. Click the Edit icon.
b. In the record details window, enter the required details, and click Save.
Make inline edits to leaf-level object records and save changes
The user-level preferences defined control the record columns displayed in the data grid.
In the leaf-level data grid:
a. Select the record row. You can select all or multiple rows.
b. Click Edit at the right-hand corner above the record list.
The editable columns appear as text boxes.
Note: Reference columns are editable only in the records details window.
c. Make the changes.
d. In the record details window, enter the required details, and click Save.
Add a new record at all levels except at the root and leaf levels
a. In the object header, click Insert.
b. In the record details window, enter the required details, and click Save.
Add a new record at the leaf level
In the leaf-level data grid:
a. Click Add New Record.
b. In the record details window, enter the required details, and click Save.

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