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Viewing the Audit Details of Records
OneData Audit Trail displays the history of changes to records. You can use this option to view the data audit (history) information for a single record or all the records in an object. By default, the data on the Data Audit screen displays the history by record, ordered by primary key. You can change the sort order by clicking Show Audit by Transaction Type to sort the audit data by transaction type (insert, update, or delete).
You can export the audit history results to Excel by clicking Export to Excel on the Data Audit screen.
For more information on data audit, see Administering webMethods OneData.
* To view the audit details
1. On the Menu toolbar, click View > Browse.
2. Navigate to the object that you want to view and select it.
3. To display the records associated with the object, do one of the following:
*Click Display Values to display all the records associated with the object.
*Enter filtering criteria to display only records that match specific values and click Apply Filter.
4. Select the records for which you want to view the audit history.
5. Click View > Audit Trail.
OneData displays the audit rows, if any, for the selected records.
6. Click Show Audit By Transaction Type to sort the audit rows by the type of audit.

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