Managing Master Data with webMethods OneData 10.4 | Managing Master Data with webMethods OneData | Administering webMethods OneData | Using Docker Containers for OneData | Additional Tasks for Docker Containerization of OneData
Additional Tasks for Docker Containerization of OneData
This section describes some additional tasks that you might need to perform for your OneData Docker container.
How do I Copy Locate Data Files to the Docker Image?
Prerequisites: Ensure that you have downloaded the Locate data files from Empower. For details, see the Administering webMethods OneData.
You can access Locate data files in a shared context across multiple Docker containers or use Locate files as persistent data within a Docker container.
* To copy Locate data files to your OneData Docker image
1. Run the following command to create a custom volume for your Locate data files:
docker volume create Locate_volume_name
docker volume create locateData
2. Run the following command to get the OneData container ID:
docker ps
3. Run the following command to get the mount point of the newly created volume:
docker volume inspect Locate_volume_name
docker volume create locateData
This command provides you the mount point on the Docker image. For example, /var/lib/docker/volumes/locateData/_data.
4. Run the following command (without line breaks) to copy the Locate data files :
docker cp /home/Locate_volume_name/ . OneData_container_ID:/opt/
Locate volume mount point
docker cp /home/locatedataset/. d7da2090969e:/opt/softwareag
How to Connect OneData Docker image to JMS
Use this procedure to connect your OneData Docker image to JMS.
* To connect your OneData Docker image to JMS
1. Complete the JMS setup described in the Administering webMethods OneData.
2. Run the following command (without line breaks) to copy the njms.jar and nclient.jar files in the web-inf/lib folder:
docker cp /home/JMS_jar_file_name . OneData_container_ID:
docker cp /home/nclient.jar . d7da2090969e:/opt/softwareag/profiles/ODE/
3. Run the following command to stop OneData:
Note: Do not stop the Docker container.
4. Run the following command to start OneData:
How to Connect a OneData Docker image to Terracotta
Use this procedure to connect your OneData Docker image to Terracotta.
* To connect your OneData Docker image to Terracotta
1. Complete the Terracotta setup described in the Administering webMethods OneData.
2. Run the docker cp command to copy the Terracotta jars.
3. Run the following command to stop OneData:
Note: Do not stop the Docker container.
4. Run the following command to start OneData:
How to Connect the OneData Docker Image to Software AG Products
For information on how you can integrate your OneData Docker image with other Software AG products, see the specific product documentation.
How to Update the OneData License on a Docker Image
Use this procedure to update from your expired OneData license to your new license.
* To update the OneData license on your Docker image
1. Run the following command to your Docker container :
docker exec –it OneData_container_ID_or name bash
2. Run the following command (without line breaks) to copy your new Terracotta license file.
Ensure that your license file has the name sag-license.xml.
docker cp sag-license.xml . OneData_container_ID_or name:
docker cp sag-license.xml . d7da2090969e:/opt/softwareag/profiles/ODE/
3. Log on to OneData by using the OneData (http://OneData_host_name:port/onedata), and verify the database connection details from Administer > System > Connection Manager.
For more details on how to verify and update database connection details, see Post-Installation Checks for Docker Containerization.
4. Complete user onboarding, data model creation , data interchange definitions setup, and workflow and data quality rules setup.
For details on how to perform user onboarding, data model creation, workflow and data quality rules setup, and data interchange definitions setup, see Administering webMethods OneData, Implementing webMethods OneData and webMethods OneData Consolidation MDM Guide.

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