Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services 10.4 | Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services | MashZone NextGen Help | Appendix | Legacy Presto components | Mashables and Mashups | Mashups in EMML | Writing Mashups in EMML | Transforming Intermediate Results | <xslt>
This statement processes an XSLT 2.0 stylesheet that has been deployed in the MashZone NextGen Server. You can also use XSLT 1.0 stylesheets with this statement.
There are a few Known Limitations to stylesheets using the <xslt> statement. See also Custom XPath Functions and other XSLT Extensions for information on extensibility.
Before you use a mashup with <xslt>, you must Deploy the Stylesheet and Related Resources in the MashZone NextGen Server as well as any component stylesheets or additional input documents.
Can Contain
Allowed In
mashup | catch | else | elseif | for | foreach | if | macro | operation | sequence | try | while
The file name of the deployed XSLT stylesheet to execute.
This must be just the file name, no relative paths, folders or URLs. This can be supplied dynamically with Dynamic Mashup Expressions.
The document-type variable to use as the input document to be transformed.
The required variable to accept the output of this statement. This must be a document-type variable, as only well-formed XML is supported as the output.

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