Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services 10.4 | Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services | MashZone NextGen Help | Appendix | Administration | Getting Started with the MashZone NextGen Server | What is Installed with MashZone NextGen | MashZone NextGen Installation Folders
MashZone NextGen Installation Folders
- MashZoneNG
- apache-tomcat (the container and web apps)
- ibo-dashboards (for IBO + built-in dashboards)
- mashzone (external resources for the Integrated Servers)
- clientapps
- data
- importexport
- jdbcdrivers
- resources
- tools
- prestocli (MashZone NextGen command line utilities and samples)
- bin
- lib
- raql-samples
- sample (emml)
- schemas (emml)
- prestorepository (scripts for moving the repository)
- derby
- mssql
- mysql
- oracle
- postgres
- raql-udfs (for RAQL built-in and user-defined functions)
- analytics
- SampleRaqlLib
- rtbs (MashZone Event Service)

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Innovation Release