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Text Formatting
Base Font
Font family for all data labels within the chart. This is also the default font for captions and tick labels, unless the Caption/Tick Label Font property is set.
Base Font Size
Base font size in points, from 8-72, for all data labels within the chart. This is also the color for captions unless the Caption/Tick Label Font Size property is set.
Base Font Color
Color for all data labels within the chart. This is also the color for captions unless the Caption/Tick Label Color property is set.
Caption/Tick Label Font
Font family for captions and tick labels within the chart. If you omit this property, caption and tick labels default to the Base Font.
Caption/Tick Label Font Size
Font size in points, from 8-72, for captions and tick labels in the chart. If you omit this property, caption and tick labels default to the Base Font Size
Caption/Tick Label Color
Color for all captions and tick labels in the chart. If you omit this property, caption and tick labels default to the Base Font Color
Number of Decimals
The number of decimal places to use in all numeric labels in the chart.
Format Number Scale
Truncate numbers and use K (thousands) and M (millions) symbols to indicate proper values.
Format Number
Use thousand and decimal separators in numeric labels.
Force Decimals
Ensure all numeric labels have all decimal places, adding 0 where needed. If the number of decimals is 2, for example, a numeric value of 2.4 would display as 2.40 with this property set.
This is false by default.
Decimal Separator
The symbol to use as the decimal point. Defaults to dot = a period.
Thousands Separator
The symbol to use as a separator for thousands and subsequent multiples. Defaults to comma.
Show Percent Values
Determines whether numeric values are shown as a percentage or a simple value. False by default.
X Axis Minimum Value
Explicitly sets the minimum value for the X axis.
X Axis Maximum Value
Explicitly sets the maximum value for the X axis.
Y Axis Minimum Value
Explicitly sets the minimum value for the Y axis.
Y Axis Maximum Value
Explicitly sets the maximum value for the Y axis.
Volume Y Axis Minimum Value
Explicitly sets the minimum value on the Y axis of the volume chart.
Volume Y Axis Maximum Value
Explicitly sets the maximum value on the Y axis of the volume chart.
Price Y Axis Minimum Value
Explicitly sets the minimum value on the Y axis of the Price chart.
Price Y Axis Maximum Value
Explicitly sets the maximum value on the Y axis of the Price chart.
Lower Limit Display
The text to display for the chart lower limit instead of the lower limit number.
Upper Limit Display
The text to display for the chart upper limit instead of the lower limit number.
Force Decimals Y Axis Values
Ensure all numeric labels for the Y axis have all decimal places, adding 0 where needed. If the number of decimals is 2, for example, a numeric value of 2.4 would display as 2.40 with this property set.
This is false by default.
Y Axis Value Decimals
Sets the decimal precision for values in the Y axis.
Volume Force Decimals
Ensure all numeric labels have all decimal places, adding 0 where needed, in the Volume chart. If the number of decimals is 2, for example, a numeric value of 2.4 would display as 2.40 with this property set.
This is false by default.
Volume Force Decimals Y Axis Values
Ensure all numeric labels in the Y axis have all decimal places, adding 0 where needed, in the Volume chart. If the number of decimals is 2, for example, a numeric value of 2.4 would display as 2.40 with this property set.
This is false by default.
Volume Y Axis Value Decimals
Set the decimal precision for values in the Y axis of the Volume chart.
Volume Format Number
Use thousand and decimal separators in numeric labels in the Volume chart.
Volume Format Number Scale
Truncate numbers and use K (thousands) and M (millions) symbols to indicate proper values for numbers in the Volume chart.
Volume Number Decimals Places
The number of decimal places to use in all numeric labels in the Volume chart.
Volume Number Prefix
The character(s) to add as a prefix to numbers in the Volume chart.
Volume Number Suffix
The character(s) to add as a suffix to numbers in the Volume chart.

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