Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services 10.4 | Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services | Working with Business Rules in My webMethods | Working with Decision Trees | Modifying a Decision Tree | Setting a Default Value for a Condition Node
Setting a Default Value for a Condition Node
In the Rules Development feature of Software AG Designer, you can specify an execution behavior for a decision tree if parameter elements that are used by condition nodes are missing at runtime.
The following missing value approaches are available:
*Null resolves to false. (Default.) The decision tree is executed. When a condition is checked, it evaluates to false if the referenced parameter element is missing. The execution then continues.
*Null value. Referenced parameter elements for conditions are checked before execution. If a referenced parameter element is missing, the decision tree is not executed.
*Default value. You can specify a default value that is evaluated substitutionally if a referenced parameter element for a condition is missing.
In My webMethods, you can set a default value for a condition node.
* To set a default value for a condition node:
1. Open the decision tree as described in Opening a Decision Entity.
2. Lock the decision tree as described in Locking a Decision Entity.
3. Click The edit condition icon in the condition node for which you want to specify a default value.
4. In the Condition Node Configuration dialog, enter a value in the Default Value field.
Note: Note that you can only enter literal values. The data type of the literal value must correspond to the data type of the parameter element that was assigned to the condition node.
5. Click The finish button.

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