Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services 10.4 | Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services | Using Digital Event Services to Communicate between Software AG Products | Administering Digital Event Services | Configuring Service Groups | Configuring the Default Service Group
Configuring the Default Service Group
Each product runtime where Digital Event Services (DES) is used has a default service group. All event types that are not explicitly associated with a custom service group are associated with the default service group. All events of these event types are delivered to the services within the default service group.
Note: You cannot rename or delete the default service group.
You can modify the default behavior of DES by adding services to or removing services from the default service group.
Note: You must create the services before adding them to the default service group.
* To configure the default service group
1. In Command Central, navigate to Environments > Instances > All > instance_name > Digital Event Services > Configuration.
2. Select Service Groups from the drop-down menu, and then click Default in the Service Group Name column.
3. Click Plus icon to add services to the group.
4. Select the services from the drop-down menu in the Service Name field.
5. For each service that you add to the default service group, define the Usage property as outlined in the Description column of this table:
Source Only
Specify this option if your application subscribes to digital events.
Note: Your service group must contain at most one source service. You cannot include the same service twice in the same service group.
Destination Only
Specify this option if your application emits events. This is the default value.
Source and Destination
Specify this option if your application both emits and subscribes to events.
6. Optionally, in the Use Local Store&Forward Queue field, select one of the following values:
*Yes - Default. DES stores events in a local store-and-forward queue until DES receives an acknowledgement that the events have reached the configured destination services.
*No - The events bypass the local store-and-forward queue and reach the destination service directly.
Note: You can use this option only when a single destination service is configured in the service group.
For more information about using the local store-and-forward queue and how it differs from non-queued delivery, see The Store-and-Forward Queue and Non-Queued Delivery of Digital Events.
7. Optionally, click Test to verify that your configuration is valid.
Note: The validation is done on a field level, and checks whether the specified information complies with the field requirements.
8. Save your changes.
Configuring Services
Configuring Custom Service Groups
Considerations When Modifying a Service Group Configuration

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