MashZone NextGen Global and User Attributes
MashZone NextGen user and global attributes use the following reserved variable names:
Attributes for users from the User Repository can also beexposed as MashZone NextGenuser attributes. For more information on which user attributes are accessiblefrom the User Repository.
Declare a
MashZone NextGen user attribute in the mashup script as:
<variable name="user.attribute-name" type="string"/>
Once declared, use a
MashZone NextGen user attribute as:
global: for
MashZone NextGenglobal attributes. Global attributes are defined in the
Admin Console..
Use this syntax:
Declare a
MashZone NextGen global attribute in the mashup script as:
<variable name="global.attribute-name" type="string"/>
Note: Earlier releases also used"system" as a keyword for global attributes. This keyword is deprecated, but still supported.
Once declared, use a
MashZone NextGen global attribute as:
Important: You must always use the $variable-name syntax for MashZone NextGen attributes, even for input variables in the <invoke> statement.