Controlling Component Mashup/Mashable Invocation at Runtime
There are two attributes you can use in either <invoke> or <directinvoke> to define runtime invocation behavior for component mashups or mashable information sources. Both attributes are optional:
Use the
timeout attribute to set a maximum number of seconds to wait for a response. The default timeout is 5 minutes (300 seconds).
Use the
onerror attribute to determine mashup or macro behavior when invocation errors occur
outside a <try> block.
Note: If you use this attribute when the <directinvoke> or <invoke> statement is contained in a <try> statement, it overrides all <catch> statements.
The value for onerror can be either continue to have the mashup or macro continue processing or abort to stop any further processing. Abort is the default.
The ErrorHandlingSample (
onerror.emml) sample mashup for a working example of both of these attributes. See
Mashup Samples for a complete list of samples and where to find them.