Use dynamic URL selection
By specifying URL parameters you can dynamically select specific elements of dashboard components, for example, a grid row, a combobox entry, a pie slice, etc. When you call a dashboard using a URL in the view mode, the elements are automatically preselected and, if applicable, the preselected elements are used as a filter or action trigger.
You can select the URL parameters required for dynamic URL selection in a dashboard component's properties menu and copy them to the clipboard. You can set a preselection based on data columns for each dashboard component that supports data preselection, for example, Grid, Input field, or several charts.
2. Click a component inserted that supports data preselection. The relevant properties dialog is displayed.
4. Click the URL selection tab.
5. You can enter a component ID in the URL-ID input field. If you change the preset ID you need to choose a unique ID within your dashboard and you have to save the dashboard to persist the new URL-ID.
6. The URL example field contains a URL selection of the components including all assigned data columns and corresponding dummy values.
7. You can edit the URL selection according to your requirements in the URL example field.
Expected formats:
Number: no thousands separator and a dot for decimal separator
Date / time: yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss
Text: no restrictions (just URL-encoded)
8. Copy the URL selection to the clipboard. If your browser supports this function a Copy to clipboard button is available.
The URL parameters are copied to the clipboard of your operating system (URL-encoded).
9. Add the parameters to an URL that you want to use for calling a dashboard and enter the URL in your web browser.
10. To open a specific dashboard view add the corresponding tab parameter to the dashboard URL.
a. Click the Show menu icon beside the tab title of the relevant tab. b. Click the URL selection tab.
c. You can enter a tab ID in the URL-ID input field. If you change the preset ID you need to choose a unique ID within your dashboard and you have to save the dashboard to persist the new URL-ID.
d. Copy the URL selection to the clipboard. If your browser supports this function a Copy to clipboard button is available.
e. Add the URL selection copied to clipboard to your dashboard URL.
The dashboard is displayed with the preselection in the view mode.
Dashboard preselection parameters
Tab preselection parameter
URL with parameters added
http://<local host>:8080/mashzone/hub/dashboard/dashboard.jsp?editmode=false&guid=0bd1cbcc-49d2-4cb1-a5fe-72cfdc624cda &cn16.Time=2015-12-23&cn16.Location=New%20York&tab=tab1
These URL parameters are applied when you open the dashboard. To apply a modified preselection, you need to reload the dashboard page. However, you can also apply a selection in an open dashboard without reloading the entire page. In order to realize that, the selection string must begin with #... instead of &...