View concepts
None of the views I see display results the way I want. Are there other views I can use?
MashZone NextGen developers can define additional, pluggable views for your use with the
Template View.
What is a category?
In chart views with both an X and Y axis, such as a line or bar chart, the category is a field that occurs in each repeating item in your results that should be used as the measurement or grouping points (the ticks) along the X axis.
For example, you want a chart of revenue for three clients for the last six months:
Each month of data is one repeating item or
row in the results.
The revenue for each client is one field or
column in each row.
There is also a field in each row with the name or number of the month. This field becomes the category for the chart.
The category is typically a field with a text value, although this can be a date or a number.
What is a series?
In many chart views, a series represents one field that occurs in each repeating item in your results that should be graphed or charted. For example, in bar or line charts, each series represents the data for one set of bars or one line. Series are also sometimes simply called columns.
Series are always numeric fields.
What are events in views?
Events are typically user actions that a view recognizes and publishes to other apps when they are both used in a workspace created in Mashboard. Common examples of events include clicking buttons, selecting rows, selecting bars, pie slices or other graphic regions or entering input parameters.
Each view determines what events it supports. See documentation for the built-in MashZone NextGen views for details.