Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services 10.4 | Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services | MashZone NextGen Help | Appendix | Legacy Presto components | Apps and Workspaces | Edit App Properties | Edit Properties for Custom or Workspace Apps
Edit Properties for Custom or Workspace Apps
The custom app or workspace app properties you can update include:
*Title = the app’s title which appears in the title bar, if that is enabled. For workspaces, this is the title that appears in the workspace tab in Mashboard.
*Height = the height in pixels to display this app. This defaults to auto which allows the app to fit into the size of the page area when it is used. You can change this to a number of pixels to use as a suggested maximum height.
*Width = the width in pixels to display this app. This defaults to auto which allows the app to fit into the size of the page area when it is used. You can change this to a number of pixels to use as a suggested maximum.
*Refresh Interval = this defaults to 0, which means that users must manually refresh the app. Set this to the number of seconds that should elapse before the app automatically refreshes its data. Setting a refresh interval is useful for apps that work with data which changes frequently.
*Hide the App Title Bar = set this option if you do not want the app’s title or toolbar buttons to appear.
*input-parameter = if the app has input parameters, options appear for each parameter so that you can update the default value.

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