Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services 10.4 | Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services | MashZone NextGen Help | Appendix | Legacy Presto components | Mashables and Mashups | Views for Mashups and Mashables | Creating Pluggable Views or Libraries | Import Pluggable Views and Libraries | Ant Tasks and Sample Build File to Import Pluggable Views or Libraries
Ant Tasks and Sample Build File to Import Pluggable Views or Libraries
If you are using Ant to import or export pluggable views or libraries, you must add a <taskdef> in the Ant build.xml file to handle pluggable library or view imports, and optionally another to handle exports, such as this example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="Import/export pluggable views and libraries" default="all" basedir="." >

<!-- custom properties to your environment -->
<property file=""/>
<!-- path to library project folder -->
<property name="libs.dir" value= "${basedir}" />
<!-- path to JAR for custom tasks, presto.dir is installation directory,
set in -->
<property name="prestocli.jar"

<!--MashZone NextGencustom tasks to import/export pluggable libraries -->
<taskdef name= "presto.lib.import"
classpath="${prestocli.jar}" />
<taskdef name="presto.lib.export"
classpath="${prestocli.jar}" />

<!-- targets to import libraries in this project -->
<target name="lib-import-basic-properties">
id="mylibrary" name="My Common Library"
description="My common library for all views"
overwrite="true" continueOnError="true" />
<!-- 3rd party library hosted externally -->
<target name="external-lib-import">
id="reportgrid" name="Report Grid"
description="Report Grid" loadConfirmation="ReportGrid"
js="reportgrid-charts.js" />
<!-- 3rd party library hosted inMashZone NextGen-->
<target name="d3-lib-import">
id="d3" name="D3"
description="D3 - Data Driven Documents" dir="${libs.dir}/d3"
loadConfirmation="window.d3" js="js/d3.v2.js" />
<!-- basic view library import -->
<target name="minimal-view-import">
id="mysample" name="My Sample View"
description="minimal pluggable view" dir="${libs.dir}/mysample"
type="view" loadConfirmation="Sample.view.MySampleView"/>
<!-- view with dependency on 3rd party and built-in libraries -->
<target name="pie-view-import-d3-dependency" >
id="d3-pie" name="D3 Pie Chart"
description="Sample D3 Pie Chart" dir="${libs.dir}/d3-pie"
loadConfirmation="Sample.d3.Pie" type="view"
dependsOn="d3,presto-core" />
<!-- target to import D3 and all dependent views -->
<target name="import-d3-views" depends="d3-lib-import,
pie-view-import-d3-dependency" />
<target name="all" depends="import-d3-views,minimal-view-import,
external-lib-import,lib-import-basic-properties" />
Then create a separate target to import each pluggable view or library and use the <presto.lib.import> task to perform the import. You can set any Configuration Properties for Pluggable Views or Libraries in the <presto.lib.import> task . In addition, you can also set three boolean flags to control aspects of how importLib is run:
*verbose = -v option, to control how much information is logged.
*overwrite = -o option, to control whether this import overwrites the existing version, if any, of this pluggable library.
*continueOnError = -c option, to control whether the build should continue if an error occurs during the build.
By default, all these flags are false. See Example: Controlling the Library Import Process for more information on these flags.
Finally, you need to set the following properties in to fit your environment:
# administration account username
# administration account password
# host:port to Mashup Server
# path toMashZone NextGen installation folder

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