Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services 10.4 | Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services | API Gateway Configuration Guide | API Gateway Data Management | API Gateway Backup and Restore Commands
API Gateway Backup and Restore Commands
You can use a command-line interface (CLI) script to back up data that is stored on API Gateway database. You can use the CLI script to restore database after a data failure or hardware failure on the API Gateway instance.
In a command line, go to <Integration Server_directory>\instances\default\packages\WmAPIGateway\cli\bin and run the following commands to take a database backup or restore the database from a backup:
If you want to...
Backup data create backup -name <backupFilename>
Backup custom data create backup -name <backupFile_name> -include <reference name> Possible values for the parameter reference name:
*analytics - to back up analytical data.
*assets - to back up asset data.
Delete the backed up data delete backup -name <backupFile_name>
Restore the backed up data restore backup -name <backupFile_name>
To retrieve all available backup files in the repository list backup
Delete a repository from API Gateway delete manageRepo
To retrieve all available repositories list manageRepo
To configure a repository in S3 configure manageRepo -file <file_path>
Backup configurations and data -backupDestinationDirectory <directory_path_to_store_backup_file> -backupFileName <backup_file_name_without_spaces> -backupTemplate <file_path_to_backup_template> -packagesTemplate <file_path_to_packages_template> -help
Restore the backed up configurations and data -backupFileName <backup_file_name_without_spaces> -backupDestinationDirectory <directory_path_to_store_backup_file> -filesToSkip <file_path_to_files_to_skip> -skipDataRestore -help
Pre-requisites for Backing up and Restoring Data
The following points are to be considered in the API Gateway instances used for backup and restore:
*The Software AG root installation directory must be the same.
*The Integration Server instance name must be the same.
*The ports defined for the API Gateway webApp, Integration Server, and the Internal Data Store must be the same.

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