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About Verification Categories
The following verification categories exist:
The following table describes a gap warning.
A gap warning is reported if a value or a range of values for one condition is not explicitly tested in a decision entity or a rule set.
Gap example
A gap warning is reported, because the value = 5,000 is not tested for the condition Order value.
If the gap is not intended, specify the missing value or range of values for the condition.
The following table describes an overlap warning.
An overlap warning is reported if the same value or range of values for one condition is tested multiple times in a decision entity or a rule set.
Overlap example
An overlap warning is reported, because the value = 5,000 is tested multiple times for the condition Order value.
If the overlap is not intended, modify the rules so that the condition value is only tested once.
The following table describes a syntax warning.
A syntax warning is for instance reported if data is lost due to truncation.
Syntax example
A syntax warning is reported, because a result value of the data type long is assigned to a result of the data type byte and is therefore truncated.
If the data loss is not tolerable, assign a value of the correct data type.
Empty cells
The following table describes an empty cell warning.
An empty cell warning is reported if a condition value or a result value is not specified.
Empty cell example
An empty cell warning is reported, because the condition value for the first rule is not specified.
If the empty cell is not intended, specify the missing value.
Processing Modes
The following table describes a processing mode warning.
A processing mode warning is reported if the processing mode of a decision table within a rule set differs from the processing mode of this rule set, because the processing mode of the rule set overwrites that of the decision table.
Differences in processing modes can occur if you add an inferential decision table to a sequential rule set or vice versa; or if you modify the processing mode of a rule set or of a decision table within this rule set.
If the different processing mode is not intended, set the same processing mode for the decision table and rule set.
The following table describes a redundancy warning.
A redundancy warning is reported if parts of one rule, or rules of one decision table, or rules of several decision tables within one rule set are dispensable.
Redundancy example
A redundancy warning is reported, because as in the first rule no value is specified for the condition Country, any value applies to this rule. This makes the second rule superfluous.
If the redundancy is not intended, delete the dispensable rules or parts of rules.
Missing Rules
The following table describes a missing rule warning.
A missing rule warning is reported if a probable combination of conditions is not explicitly tested in a decision entity or a rule set.
Missing rule example
A missing rule warning is reported, because the condition combination gender=female AND olderThan45=false is not explicitly tested.
If the missing rule is not intended, specify the missing combination(s) of conditions.
Business Verification
The following table describes preconfigured verification services.
Verification results for preconfigured verification services, see Working with a Preconfigured Verification Service.
The following table describes other verification categories.
All warnings and errors that do not fit into the other categories.

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