Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services 10.4 | Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services | Using Digital Event Services to Communicate between Software AG Products | Administering Digital Event Services | About Administering Digital Event Services
About Administering Digital Event Services
You can administer Software AG Digital Event Services (DES) using the Command Central web user interface, templates, or command-line interface.
Using the Command Central web user interface, you can perform the following operations:
*Configure messaging services and service groups.
*Configure event type associations.
*Configure storage settings for digital events.
Important: Do not edit configuration files manually.
Developers can also provision and configure DES using the Command Central templates available in Software AG's GitHub project sagdevops-templates.git. You can use the following templates as samples that you adapt to fit your own use case:
*sag-des - this template shows how to provision DES and how to configure a default messaging service.
*sag-des-config - this templates shows how to provision DES, so that it uses secure communication with Java keystores and truststores. For this purpose, the template also shows how to configure a custom service group and associate one digital event type with it. You can also use secure communication with the default service group.
Note: Integration Server and Apama developers can also use the DES command-line tool to configure messaging connectivity without using Command Central. You can open a command-line prompt and type java -jar followed by Software_AG_directory\common\lib\events-configuration-tool.jar to run the utility.
For information about using Command Central CLI commands and Command Central templates, see Software AG Command Central Help.

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