Configure This View
Choose the Bubble Chart view and:
1. If needed, change the Select Dataset field to find the repeating items that contain the fields you want to chart. This must be the parent node to the fields you want to use and it must be a repeating node.
2. Complete one Series:
a. Drag and drop the title of columns with numeric data to both the X Column and Y Column fields.
b. Drag and drop the title of a third column with numeric data in the Radius field to use to determine the importance and the radius of each bubble.
c. Drag and drop the title of a column with text or numeric data into the Tooltip field.
3. To plot additional points in the bubble chart, click Add series columns. This collapses the fields for the previous Series and opens fields for another series. Complete the fields (see the previous step for instructions) for this new series.
Tip: For best results, the numeric data for all of the series that you include in a bubble chart should fall within a similar range of values. One series with very large or very small values can skew the scale of the chart, making it difficult to see or understand other data.
4. Click Next and set basic options for the chart in the Customize View step:
Set a
Caption or
Subcaption for the chart or gauge.
Set captions, if needed, for the
X and
Y axes.
If needed, add a prefix or suffix for all numeric labels for this gauge or chart.
Common examples might be $ as the prefix or % as suffix.
6. Preview the chart at any time.
7. Once you are satisfied, save the view:
a. Click Finish.
b. Give the view a name, and optional description.
c. Click Save.