SSL Authentication
This security profile uses mutual SSL to exchange digital certificates for mashables that use the HTTPS protocol in their URL and require a certificate from the MashZone NextGen Server for authentication.
Note: Do not use this security profile for mashables that use one-way SSL.
Before you register a mashable with this security profile, you or a MashZone NextGen administrator must:
MashZone NextGen for SSL.
Obtain the digital certificate for the mashable information source,
if the certificate is self-signed, and add this certificate to the
MashZone NextGen trust store.
To enable this mutual exchange of digital certificates, you complete two properties:
TrustedCertificateName: you only need to set this property if the certificate for this mashable is self-signed. Certificates for mashables that are signed by well-known Certificate Authorities are automatically verified and added to the Trust Store.
Open the list for this property and select the alias that was used to import the self-signed digital certificate for this mashable information source.
PrivateCertificateName: open the list for this property and select the alias for the digital certificate for
MashZone NextGen. This certificate supplies the authentication information required to securely connect to this mashable information source.
Contact your MashZone NextGen administrator for information on the appropriate alias names to choose.