Title Bars and Toolbar Buttons in Apps
MashZone NextGen basic and custom apps have a title bar, by default, and basic apps may also optionally have a title bar for each view in the app. Title bars include buttons to provide common functionality to any user who has permission to use the app. See
Buttons in the Default Title Bars for details.
These title bars and buttons are generally visible within MashZone NextGen. Workspace apps override the default title bars and toolbar buttons but do provide most of the same functionality. Other destinations, however, may hide these default title bars and buttons.
Each destination may allow users to re-enable the title bars or buttons or provide similar functionality somewhere within its own user interface.
MashZone NextGen developers can also control title bar and toolbar button visibility, if needed, when apps are published to different destinations.
See <presto-meta> and Parameters for App URLs for details on the flags and parameters that affect title bars and toolbar buttons for apps.