Designing and Implementing Composite Applications 10.4 | Designing and Implementing Composite Applications | webMethods Application Platform User’s Guide | Developing with Application Platform in Designer | About Viewing Dependency Graphs | Using the Visual Navigator
Using the Visual Navigator
Visual Navigator Node Depth Levels
Visual Navigator Context Menu Commands
Visual Navigator Keyboard Shortcuts
The Visual Navigator provides several functions, which enable you to render the required graph and nodes.
* To use the Visual Navigator
1. Open a project in the Visual Navigator view.
2. To view the required graph and nodes, perform one or more of the available actions.
The following table describes the actions you can perform.
Do this
Select a dimension
Click the drop-down list box and select one of the available dimensions.
The list of available dimensions depends on the currently selected object. The list displays all dimensions that can represent this object.
Configure the graphic depth
Use the slider, available in the upper part of the Visual Navigator.
The positions of the slider represent the available node depth levels, starting from level 0 in the leftmost part.
Filter the displayed nodes
Enter the required filter text in the text box and click filter icon.
Use a context menu command
Right-click a node or anywhere in the graph view and click the required command.
Zoom in or out or reposition the port view
Use the required keyboard shortcut.
Open a node in an editor
Double-click the node.
To open a node in an editor, the Visual Navigator invokes the default editor for the associated resource, defined in Designer. If no default editor is defined for the resource, nothing happens. To view the default editors for different resources, navigate to Window > Preferences > General > Editors > File Associations.
Opening a Project in the Visual Navigator
About Viewing Dependency Graphs

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