Designing and Implementing Composite Applications 10.4 | Designing and Implementing Composite Applications | webMethods Application Platform User’s Guide | Developing with Application Platform in Designer | Managing Servers | Managing Server Status | Integration Server Lifecycle Actions | Server Start Action
Server Start Action
When you start the server, a shell script is executed. The script must be blocked when the server is started. The runtime environment for the server includes an environment variable that ensures the script is blocked. If the script is not blocked and the server is started asynchronously, Designer will report an error immediately after you attempt to start the server.
When you click the start icon, Designer changes the server status from Stopped to Starting. Designer uses a polling mechanism to periodically ping the server. When the server starts and responds to the HTTP request, the server status changes from Starting to Started.
When you start Integration Server, Designer uses the server connection details defined in Window > Preferences > Software AG > Integration Servers settings to connect to the Integration Server. Designer executes a GET request by using basic authentication. If the server returns the expected response code within the configured timeout period, the state of the server is changed from Starting to Started.

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