You use the <webm:sysvar> tag to insert a special variable or server property into the HTML page produced from the JSP.
<webm:sysvar variable="system_variable"/>
Argument | Description |
system_variable | System variable or property to insert, as follows: |
| Value | Description |
| host | Name of the Integration Server that processed the JSP. |
| date | Current date, in the format “Weekday Month Day HH:MM:SS Locale Year” (for example, Fri Aug 12 04:15:30 Pacific 1999). |
| property(property) | Current value of the Integration Server property property (for example, watt.server.port) or any Java system property (for example, java.home). See webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide for a list of Integration Server properties. |
This code inserts the name of the
Integration Server that processed the JSP into the HTML page.
Response generated by host <webm:sysvar variable="host"/>
This code inserts the value of the
Integration Server property watt.server.port, which identifies
Integration Server’s main HTTP listening port, into the HTML page:
<webm:sysvar variable="host"/> was listening on
<webm:sysvar variable="property(watt.server.port)"/>