Designing and Implementing Composite Applications 10.4 | Designing and Implementing Composite Applications | Getting Started with the webMethods Application Platform API | webMethods Tag Library for JSP | <webm:switch>
You use the <webm:switch> tag to execute one of multiple blocks of code, based on the value of a variable in the Integration Server pipeline.
Use <webm:case> to define each value and the associated block of code to execute. Integration Server evaluates <webm:case> tags in the order they appear in the JSP. When a case is true, Integration Server executes the associated block of code, then exits the <webm:switch> structure.
If you want to define a default case (that is, the case to execute if the specified variable does not exist or if none of the other cases is true), specify a <webm:case> tag with no switch_value. The default case must be the last <webm:case> tag in the <webm:switch> tag.
<webm:switch variable="variable">
<webm:case value="switch_value1">block_of_code</webm:case>
[<webm:case value="switch_value2">block_of_code</webm:case>...
<webm:case value="switch_valuen">block_of_code</webm:case>]
Pipeline variable whose value to evaluate.
Value of variable that triggers Integration Server to execute the associated block of code. switch_value must match the value of variable exactly. switch_value is case sensitive. For example, FedEx does not match Fedex or FEDEX.
*This code inserts different paragraphs into the HTML page produced from the JSP, based on the value in the pipeline variable carrier.
<webm:switch variable="carrier">
<webm:case value="FedEx">
<p>Shipped via Federal Express <webm:value="serviceLevel"/>
<webm:case value="UPS">
<p>Shipped via UPS <webm:value="serviceLevel"/></p>
<webm:case value="Freight">
<p>Shipped via <webm:value="transCompany"/><br>
FOB: <webm:value="buyerInfo/streetAddr1"/><br>
<webm:value="city"/>, <webm:value="state"/>
*This code calls different Integration Server services based on the value of the pipeline variable action.
<title>Order Tracking System</title>
<body bgcolor="#FFFFCC">
<h1>Order Tracking System</h1>
<webm:switch variable="action">
<webm:case value="shipinfo"/>
<webm:invoke serviceName="orders:getShipInfo"/>
<webm:case value="showorder"/>
<webm:invoke serviceName="orders:orders:getOrderInfo"/>
<webm:case value="showinvoice"/>
<webm:invoke serviceName="orders:orders:getInvoices"/>
<jsp:include page="stdFooter.txt" flush="true"/>

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