Designing and Implementing Composite Applications 10.4 | Designing and Implementing Composite Applications | Getting Started with the webMethods Application Platform API | webMethods Tag Library for JSP | <webm:invoke>
You use the <webm:invoke> tag to call an Integration Server service. You can also define a block of code to execute if the service completes without errors and a block of code to execute if the service fails. Integration Server runs the specified service at run time and returns the results of the service to the JSP.
Use the <webm:onSuccess> tag to define the block of code to execute if the service completes without errors. Use the <webm:onError> tag to define the block of code to execute if the service fails. Within the <webm:onError> tag block of code, you can use these pipeline variables:
Exception name.
Error message text.
Localized error message text that uses the client’s locale.
Service that failed.
Inputs to the service that failed.
Outputs of the service that failed. Could be null.
<webm:invoke serviceName="service">
Fully qualified name of the service to call.
This code calls the Integration Server service orders:getShipInfo, which gets shipping information from a back-end system and builds an HTML form that allows the user to edit or cancel an order. If the service fails, error information is displayed.
<webm:invoke serviceName="orders:getShipInfo">
<h2>Shipping Details for Order <webm:value variable="/oNum"/></h2>
<p>Date Shipped: <webm:value variable="shipDate"/><br>
Carrier: <webm:value variable="carrier"/>
<webm:value variable="serviceLevel"/></p>
<webm:ifvar variable="shipDate" notempty="true">
<form action="http://rubicon:5555/orders/editShipInfo.dsp"
<p><b>Change this Shipment:</b></p>
<p><input type="RADIO" name="action" value="edit">
Edit Shipment Details</p>
<p><input type="RADIO" name="action" value="cancel">
Cancel this shipment</p>
<input type="SUBMIT" value="Submit">
<input type="HIDDEN" name="oNum"
value="<webm:value variable=’/oNum’/>"
<p><a href="http://rubicon:5555/orders/getorder.dsp
?action=showorder&oNum=<webm:value variable=’/oNum’/>View Entire Order</a></p>
<p><font color="#FF0000">Integration Server could not process
your request because the following error occurred. Contact
your server administrator.</font></p>
<table width="50%" border="1">
<td><webm:value variable="errorService"/></td>
<td><webm:value variable="errorMessage"/></td>

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