You use the <webm:invoke> tag to call an Integration Server service. You can also define a block of code to execute if the service completes without errors and a block of code to execute if the service fails. Integration Server runs the specified service at run time and returns the results of the service to the JSP.
Use the <webm:onSuccess> tag to define the block of code to execute if the service completes without errors. Use the <webm:onError> tag to define the block of code to execute if the service fails. Within the <webm:onError> tag block of code, you can use these pipeline variables:
Key | Description |
errorClass | Exception name. |
errorMessage | Error message text. |
localizedMessage | Localized error message text that uses the client’s locale. |
errorService | Service that failed. |
errorInputs | Inputs to the service that failed. |
errorOutputs | Outputs of the service that failed. Could be null. |
<webm:invoke serviceName="service">
Argument | Description |
service | Fully qualified name of the service to call. |
This code calls the Integration Server service orders:getShipInfo, which gets shipping information from a back-end system and builds an HTML form that allows the user to edit or cancel an order. If the service fails, error information is displayed.
<webm:invoke serviceName="orders:getShipInfo">
<h2>Shipping Details for Order <webm:value variable="/oNum"/></h2>
<p>Date Shipped: <webm:value variable="shipDate"/><br>
Carrier: <webm:value variable="carrier"/>
<webm:value variable="serviceLevel"/></p>
<webm:ifvar variable="shipDate" notempty="true">
<form action="http://rubicon:5555/orders/editShipInfo.dsp"
<p><b>Change this Shipment:</b></p>
<p><input type="RADIO" name="action" value="edit">
Edit Shipment Details</p>
<p><input type="RADIO" name="action" value="cancel">
Cancel this shipment</p>
<input type="SUBMIT" value="Submit">
<input type="HIDDEN" name="oNum"
value="<webm:value variable=’/oNum’/>"
<p><a href="http://rubicon:5555/orders/getorder.dsp
?action=showorder&oNum=<webm:value variable=’/oNum’/>View Entire Order</a></p>
<p><font color="#FF0000">Integration Server could not process
your request because the following error occurred. Contact
your server administrator.</font></p>
<table width="50%" border="1">
<td><webm:value variable="errorService"/></td>
<td><webm:value variable="errorMessage"/></td>