Argument | Description |
variable | Pipeline variable to evaluate. Example <webm:ifvar variable="carrier"> |
[isNull="true"] | Specifies that the condition is true if the variable exists but its value is null. Example <webm:ifvar variable="carrier" isNull="true"> |
[notEmpty="true"] | Specifies that the condition is true if the variable contains one or more characters, and is false if the value is null. For string variables only. Example <webm:ifvar variable="carrier" notEmpty="true"> |
[equals="any_string"] | Specifies that the condition is true if the variable matches the string you specify in any_string. any_string is case sensitive. For example, FedEx does not match Fedex or FEDEX. Example <webm:ifvar variable="carrier" equals="FedEx"> |
[vequals="ref_variable"] | Specifies that the condition is true if the variable matches the value of the pipeline variable you specify in ref_variable. Example <webm:ifvar variable="supplierInfo/state" vequals="buyerInfo/state"> |
[matches="regular_exp"] | Specifies that the condition is true if the variable matches the regular expression regular_exp. Example In this example, the condition is true if the value of the pipeline variable carrier starts with UPS: <webm:ifvar variable="carrier" matches="UPS*"> |