Designing and Implementing Composite Applications 10.4 | Designing and Implementing Composite Applications | webMethods Application Platform User’s Guide | Diagnostics and Troubleshooting | Considerations When Publishing Projects to Servers
Considerations When Publishing Projects to Servers
This section describes common problems that may occur when you publish your Application Platform projects to the server. The following points describe common server issues and recommendation for troubleshooting each issue:
*Server is installed as a service. Software AG recommends that when you set up a development environment with Application Platform, you install the server as an application, as opposed to a service. This is required because the service wrapper scripts do not start the server with the expected configuration, which can lead to a mismatched configuration between Designer and the server.
For example, the service is started without a configured and opened JPDA debugging port. If this happens, try to resolve the problem by stopping the server and restarting it in Designer.
*Server immediately fails to start. If the server fails with an error in the Servers view in Designer immediately after startup, confirm that the server startup script is running synchronously. Also, check the server’s runtime environment and verify that BLOCKING_SCRIPT is not set to yes.
*Server fails to start after the timeout. If the server fails to start after the timeout, verify that the primary HTTP port number, configured in the Servers view, matches the port number, configured for the server instance. For Integration Server, also verify that valid user credentials exist for the matching Integration Server port configuration found in Designer, under Window > Preferences > Software AG > Integration Servers.

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