Designing and Implementing Composite Applications 10.4 | Designing and Implementing Composite Applications | webMethods Application Platform User’s Guide | Developing with Application Platform in Designer | About Managing Project Dependencies
About Managing Project Dependencies
Bundle Publisher View
Bundle Manager View
Applications you develop in Designer may have contents, different from source projects developed in Designer. Application Platform handles such contents as project dependencies. Application Platform supports the following types of dependencies:
*Dependencies with bundles. Projects can have dependencies on other bundles. For example, a project can depend on third-party bundles or bundles that are developed by another team.
*Dependencies with jars that are not bundles. Projects can have dependencies on plain jar files. Such files can reside in an external location, which under version control or is present in a repository library, such as an artifactory or a Maven repository. You can use plain jar files that are not bundles in the following ways:
*Include the plain jar files in your project as a local dependency when you publish the project. The common jars are included in your project’s lib directory and will be duplicated in different projects during publishing.
*Publish the plain jar files as a bundle in the runtime, so that they can be shared with other published projects. The common jars are wrapped as bundles and published once to the runtime. Projects that require one of the common jars refer to the jar’s bundle.
Important: When you include common jars as bundles, they are not packaged with your project. The common jars are only used for compiling dependencies and for computing the Import-Package OSGi header values of the project manifest or Bnd template while building the project bundle. You must add the referenced bundles in the runtime before you use them. To ensure that bundles can be installed and resolved, set the imports to be required.
Application Platform provides the following views, which you can use for such dependencies:
*Bundle Publisher View. Use this view to publish or unpublish a bundle to or from a container.
*Bundle Manager View. Use this view to create bundles from non-OSGi jars.
Creating Wrapper Bundles

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