Designing and Implementing Composite Applications 10.4 | Designing and Implementing Composite Applications | webMethods Application Platform User’s Guide | Developing with Application Platform in Designer | About Using Services in Application Platform | Service Browser View
Service Browser View
Searching in the Service Browser View
Grouping Services by Bundle Name
Refreshing Services and Bundle Information
Filtering Services Displayed in the Service Browser View
Customizing Content Displayed by the Service Browser View
You can use the Service Browser view in order to browse the services used in your project bundles. When you publish a project to the server, all the services that are used in that bundle are listed in the Service Browser view. The Service Browser view displays all services that are published to the currently selected server in the Servers view. To switch between servers, you must change the selection in the Servers view. You can filter the services by service name or project bundle. You can also customize the Service Browser view by selecting the filters to be used and the content it displays.

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