Designing and Implementing Composite Applications 10.4 | Designing and Implementing Composite Applications | webMethods Application Platform User’s Guide | Developing with Application Platform in Designer | About Creating Application Platform Projects | Classpath Containers | Configuring the Application Platform API Libraries Container
Configuring the Application Platform API Libraries Container
Designer automatically adds the Application Platform API Libraries container to the build path of every Application Platform project you create or import. By default, the Application Platform API Libraries container initializes with the Integration Server profile, but contains only the Application Platform Core libraries. To access the My webMethods Server libraries, you must remove the Application Platform API Libraries container from the build path of your project and add it again, selecting the My webMethods Server profile.
Selecting a profile doesn't require using server-specific libraries in your project. You can add only the Application Platform Core library, or third-party features to the Application Platform API Libraries container.
You can add the Application Platform API Libraries container to any project as a library dependency. However, not all classes provided by this container work for all projects, created in Designer. Some of the SDK functionality, like the service publishing annotation functionality, is only available for Application Platform projects. For more information, see the Application Platform API Guide.
* To configure the Application Platform API Libraries container for your project:
1. In the Package Explorer view, right click the Application Platform API Libraries container for your project and then click Build Path.
2. Click Remove from Build Path. Application Platform removes the default Application Platform API Libraries container.
3. Right-click your project, and then click Build Path.
4. Click Add Libraries....
5. In the Add Library dialog box, select Application Platform API Libraries, and click Next.
6. Select the server profile, for which you want to add libraries, and click Next. The available profiles are:
*IS_default - includes libraries for Integration Server
*MWS_default - includes libraries for My webMethods Server
7. On the SDK Features List page, select the libraries to add with the container and click Finish.
About Application Platform API

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