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Creating and Customizing Bundle Tool Templates for Projects
You can create Bundle Tool (Bnd) template files for your Application Platform projects. The Bnd template files are located in the src/main/resources/OSGI-OPT directory. Bnd template files are useful when the default manifest file produced during bundle creation requires additional customization.
For information about the syntax and supported options of Bnd templates, see
Important: Make sure that all Java package names in your Application Platform web project begin with a lowercase character. If the name of a package begins with an uppercase character, the Asset Build Environment does not move the package to the WEB-INF\classes directory when you build your project and the package is not available at runtime.
* To create and customize a Bnd template for a project
1. Go to the Package Explorer view and right-click the required project.
2. Select the App Platform context menu and click Create Bnd template.
3. Go to the Package Explorer view and double-click the Bnd template file, located here: project_name/src/main/resources/OSGI-OPT/bnd.bnd.
Designer loads the bnd.bnd file.
4. Edit the bnd.bnd file by adding the required custom values.
5. Save the bnd.bnd file.
Bundle Tool Templates for Projects

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