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Folder Structure of Java Projects
When you create a Java project, Application Platform creates a folder structure that contains the following folder types:
*Source Folders. The source folders contain the Java source files and unit test source code. The location path of the source folders must follow the Maven convention to be compatible with the Application Platform. The required location path structure for the source folders is src/main/java.
Note: If you add your unit tests in the source folders, they will be included in the project bundle when you publish your project from Designer.
*Config Folder. The src/main/config directory contains the property files with configuration data to be passed to the server. When you publish your project bundle to the server, the files in this directory are extracted from the bundle and installed to a common directory on the server, which contains all configuration files for that server.
*Resource Folder. The resource folder contains all non-Java source files. Files and folders that you define in this directory are included in the root directory path of the project bundle.
*Lib Folder. The lib folder contains all non-OSGi jar files that you want to include in the classpath of your Application Platform project.
Including Non-OSGi Jars in Projects

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