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Disabling Natural Language Support (NLS) Warnings in Designer
Designer produces warning messages for localized messages (NLS messages). NLS warning messages do not indicate installation problems, but that a localized message is not used. NLS warning messages are in the following format:
Warning: NLS unused message: {resource key} in: {file reference}
Displaying such messages can lead to situations when too many log messages are generated.
* To disable the generation of NLS messages
1. Go to the Software AG_directory \Designer\eclipse directory and open the eclipse.ini file in a text editor.
2. Add the following property at the end of the file: -Dosgi.nls.warnings=ignore.
Note: You can also add this property to the server configuration file, located here: Software AG_directory \profiles\server_default\configuration\config.ini. Make sure you restart the server when you update server configurations.
3. Save the file.

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