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Configuring an Application Platform Dynamic Web Project
This section covers the steps you must execute for a servlet-based project that was created using the Dynamic Web Project.
* To configure an Application Platform Dynamic Web Project
1. Go to the settings folder in the project’s directory in the workspace of Designer.
2. Open org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.xml in a text editor.
3. Remove the fixed element for the jst.web facet and save the file.
4. Go to the Package Explorer or Project Explorer view, right-click your project and click Refresh.
5. Right-click your project again and click Properties.
6. Click Project Facets.
7. Verify that the Java project facet for the appropriate version is selected.
8. Clear the Dynamic Web Module check box.
9. Expand SoftwareAG Application Platform and select Application Platform Core and Application Platform Web.
10. Optional. Select Integration Server Extensions.
You need this project facet if you are using the IS Service wizard.
11. Optional. Click Further configuration available… to provide additional configuration.
12. After you are done with the configurations in the Properties dialog box, click OK.
13. Verify that the following modifications on your project are successfully executed:
a. The source code folder is moved from /src to /src/main/java and is selected in the project's Build Paths dialog box.
b. A /lib folder is created.
c. An src/main/config folder is created.
d. An src/main/webapp/WEB-INF folder is created.
14. In Designer, move the project’s servlet content, for example JSP, CSS, JavaScript, or HTML, from its current location to src/main/webapp/.
For example, if the images of the servlet-based project are located in the C:\WebContent\images\ directory, you should move the images folder to C:\src\main\webapp\images\.

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