Designing and Implementing Composite Applications 10.4 | Designing and Implementing Composite Applications | webMethods Application Platform User’s Guide | About Application Platform | Architecture and Components
Architecture and Components
Software AG Common Platform
Software AG Designer
Software AG Servers
webMethods Deployer
The Software AG Designer architecture consists of a development layer, which resides in Designer, and a server layer, which is responsible for the runtime operations.
The following diagram displays the Software AG Designer development components, which include the Designer workspace to the left, the Eclipse Equinox OSGi container in the middle, and the project bundles component to the right. The workspace contains the project folders. The Eclipse Equinox OSGi container has the Application Platform Eclipse features in the upper section, containing core plug-ins and server extension plug-ins, and the Eclipse core runtime component in the lower section.
Application Platform development components in Designer
The following diagram displays the server components, which include the server profile to the left, the Equinox OSGi container in the middle, and the project bundles to the right. The server profile contains configuration files, project repositories, and log files. The Equinox OSGi container section consists of customer deployments in the upper part, containing core plug-ins and server extension plug-ins, and the following components in the lower part: Application Platform, Software AG Product Server, third-party bundles, Software AG Common Platform, Common Platform third-party extensions, and the OSGi Equinox container.
Application Platform server runtime components
For further explanation, see the sections for each component that follow the diagram.

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