Designing and Implementing Composite Applications 10.4 | Designing and Implementing Composite Applications | webMethods Application Platform User’s Guide | Developing with Application Platform in Designer | About Developing Web Applications for Integration Server | Administering Web Applications
Administering Web Applications
In Application Platform you can administer web applications in the following ways:
Production Deployment
When you deploy your web applications to a production environment, use the Asset Build Environment and Deployer. For more information, see Working with Application Platform Projects.
Tomcat Manager Application
If you have Apache Tomcat 8 (8.5.35 or higher) and you want to use the Tomcat Manager Application in Application Platform, you must install it under Software AG_directory /profiles/IS_instance/workspace/webapps/directory. For more information, see the Apache Tomcat documentation.
After you install the Tomcat Manager Application, Software AG recommends that you remove the security constraints in the web.xml configuration file, provided with the Tomcat Manager Application and use the available security constraints, provided with the Application Platform META-INF/context.xml configuration file.
The WmAppPlat package supports Java Management Extensions (JMX). It is registered under the Catalina root domain Mbean. You can view the JMX attributes of your WAR projects that are deployed to Integration Server in the Properties view in Designer.

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