Designing and Implementing Composite Applications 10.4 | Designing and Implementing Composite Applications | webMethods CAF and OpenCAF Development Help | Working with CAF Events and Notifications | Creating an Event Handler | Configuring a Fire Ajax Event Action
Configuring a Fire Ajax Event Action
When you create a Fire Ajax Event action, you do so in conjunction with an Open Ajax control ( implemented in a client view. The Open Ajax Event Name you specify when you create the Fire Ajax Event action must match the name of the Open Ajax Topic property of the Open Ajax control placed on the client view.
The Open Ajax control is typically implemented along with the Growler control, which displays client-side notifications. For more information about the Open Ajax and Growler controls, see webMethods CAF Tag Library Reference.
When you specify the The Open Ajax Event Name, you can use a wild card character to include multiple event types. For example, if you have several event types that start with user. such as,, or user.logged.out, you can use an asterisk (*) to include all user event types, for example, user.*.
* To configure a Fire Ajax Event action
1. Open the CAF Events Editor as described in Creating a Custom CAF Event.
2. In the CAF Events Editor, click the Handlers tab, then click the handler you want to work with.
3. In the Handler Actions area, ensure that List of Simple Actions is selected as an action type, then click Add.
4. In the Action Selection dialog box, click Fire Ajax Event.
5. In the Open Ajax Event Name text box, type a name. Refer to the information in the introductory paragraph above regarding this name.
6. Click OK.
7. Create a new portlet application or select another portlet application to receive the event.
Note: You must add the portlet to the applicable shell to notify all users who are configured to use the shell. In addition, place the portlet in the appropriate page to notify users who can access the page. For more information, see Embedding Portal Resources in a Page File.
8. Open the portlet view that you want to work with.
9. In the Palette view, expand MWS Html > Control > Output, and then drag an Open Ajax Script control onto the design canvas.
10. Select the control on the canvas.
11. In the Properties view, click the Value tab, and type the Open Ajax Event Name that you created in Step 5 into the Open Ajax Topic text box.
Note: If you want to implement a Growler control, you can add it to the portlet as well.
12. Save your changes

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