Designing and Implementing Composite Applications 10.4 | Designing and Implementing Composite Applications | webMethods CAF and OpenCAF Development Help | Working with the Bindings View | Binding a Managed Bean Property to Another Bean
Binding a Managed Bean Property to Another Bean
Data binding and data flow assignments enable casting the properties of one managed bean to the properties of another managed bean, such as the properties of one Java type to another Java type. The assignment of different managed beans, or complex types, is not supported by the Java language. Composite Application Framework automatically converts the managed beans on different types using a field-by-field conversion on the field name.
You can replicate a managed bean by assigning the properties of one managed bean to another managed bean. You can also choose to assign a value to the property.
* To assign a property of one managed bean to another managed bean
1. In the UI Development perspective, open the View Declaration Language (VDL) file for the view you want to work with in the editor.
2. Click the Bindings view, expand the Managed Beans node, and then expand the bean you want to work with and select the bean property, such as a property for a Web service connector.
Note: By default, the Bindings view displays only those managed beans associated with the page bean for the view currently displayed in the editor. If you want to display all managed beans, see Enabling the Show All Managed Beans Toolbar Button.
3. Click the Properties view, and then click the Data Binding tab.
4. On the Data Binding tab, next to the Value property, click The Expression Binding button.
5. In the Expression Binding wizard, select the binding target and then click OK.

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