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Add a Security Role to a Web Application
You can create security roles for a web application projects in Composite Application Framework.
*For more information about security roles, see Security Roles in Web and Portlet Applications.
*For information about adding a security role to a portlet, see Add a Security Role to a Portlet Application.
* To add a security role to a web application
1. Open a web application project in the Navigator view or the Package Explorer view, expand the WebContent node, and drag the View Declaration Language (VDL) file for a view to the editor.
2. In the Bindings view, expand the Implicit Variables node.
3. Click the Application Security Roles node, then right-click and select Add > Application Security Role.
4. In the Web Application Security Role dialog box, type a name in the Role Name field, and in Role Description, type a brief description of the role.
5. Click Finish.
Note: You can also add and modify security roles directly in the web.xml file, using either the XML editor or the text editor.

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