DevOps Edition for Continuous Integration 10.4 | Application Platform User Guide | Developing with Application Platform in Designer | About Publishing Projects | Publishing Projects to the Server
Publishing Projects to the Server
Before you can publish your project to the OSGi container of a server, you must add your project to the server from the Servers view.
Before you can add and publish a project to the server, make sure that the project is opened in Designer and that it has at least one Application Platform Core project facet.
* To add and publish projects to a server
1. In Designer, go to the Servers view, right-click the required server, and then click Add and Remove.
2. Click the required project in the list of available projects, and then lick Add.
3. Optional. Remove one or more of the configured projects. In the list of configured projects, click the project you want to remove, and then click Remove.
Important: If you delete a project that is already published to the server, the published project becomes an orphan and you have to remove it manually from the server.
4. Optional. Select the If server is started, publish changes immediately check box if you want Designer to immediately publish all configured projects after you click Finish.
5. Click Finish.
6. To publish the configured projects, go to the Servers view and right-click the server to which you want to publish.
7. Select one of the supported publish commands.
The following table describes the commands you can select.
Select this command
Assemble a project bundle from the project files from the most recent build.
Fully rebuild all configured projects.

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