Assembling Project Bundles
After you build your project, you must assemble it into a module. To assemble the project to a module, you must create an OSGi bundle. The following major steps are involved in this process:
Using the default project manifest or creating a Bnd template for
Software AG Common Platform.
You can create a custom Bnd template or you can use the default project manifest, provided by Application Platform.
Creating and staging the jar in an
Artifacts directory.
After Designer compiles your project, it inserts the contents of the project into a bundle jar and copies the contents to an Artifacts directory out of the project's workspace. The contents are moved out of the project’s workspace because Designer locks the entire workspace while building projects. The artifacts directory is located here: User_Workspace/.metadata/.plugins/com.softwareag.ide.eclipse.pld.bundle.builder.ui/Project_Name/artifacts/.
Project bundles you create are also added in the Artifacts directory. After Designer executes a successful clean build action of your project, the associated bundles are removed from the Artifacts directory.
Copying the jar to the bundle repository.
After you publish your project to a server, a JMX service transfers the project bundle from the artifacts directory to the following temporary directory, located in the server’s profile: Software AG_directory \profiles\server_instance\workspace\temp\app-platform\deployer\bundles. If this transfer is successful, then the project bundle is copied to the following location of the server’s repository directory: Software AG_directory \profiles\server_instance\workspace\app-platform\deployer\bundles. After the project bundle is successfully copied, the server’s publisher service is invoked to install the project bundle into the container’s OSGi runtime. When you unpublish the project, Designer removes the project bundle from the server's repository directory and the publisher service removes it from the OSGi runtime.
When you assemble project bundles, the server uses an OSGi service provided by the Common Platform. This service is used for installing and uninstalling bundles from the repository directory. Any errors that occur in this process are added in Designer's error view.
Note: You cannot add or remove bundles from the server by adding or removing files from the repository directory.
To assemble the project bundles into a module
1. Create a manifest or use the default manifest, provided by Application Platform.
2. Compile your project.
3. Right-click your project and select App Platform.
4. Click Create Project Bundle.