B2B Integration 10.4 | Administering and Monitoring B2B Transactions | Managing File Transfers with ActiveTransfer | Administering ActiveTransfer with Command Central | Viewing Logs | Viewing the Transaction Log
Viewing the Transaction Log
You can view file transactions on your ActiveTransfer Server. By default, the search list is populated with the file transaction details of the current day. You can further filter the file transaction log based on criteria such as date and time, trigger source, status of the file transfer, search text, transaction ID, and file name.
* To view a file transaction log
1. On the navigation pane, select Logs > Transaction log.
2. On the Transaction log page, you can filter the log based on the following criteria:
Date and time
Select a time period from the list or specify a custom date range, and click Ok.
Trigger source
Select a source that triggered the file transaction from the following options:
You can specify the following additional filters:
*Partner: Select either All partners or Specific partner, type the partner name in the box, and click Ok.
*User: Select either All users or Specific user, type the user name in the box, and click Ok.
*Operation: Select All, Upload, or Download based on transaction type.
*Protocols: Select one or more transmission protocols. You can select All, All secure protocols (FTPS, SFTP, HTTPS, SCP, and WebDAVs), Non-secure protocols (HTTP, FTP, and WebDAV), or individual protocols.
You can specify the following additional filters:
*Source location
*Destination location
Select whether to show All, Success, or Failed transactions.
Type the text based on which you want to search for transactions.
Transaction ID
Type the transaction ID of the file transfer.
File name
Type either the partial or complete name of the file based on which you want to search for transactions that match the specified file name. Select the Match complete file name option if you want to search for a file with the exact name that you specify.
Match complete file name performs the query faster when you have large volumes of data that can utilize the underlying database optimization.
3. Click Search.
In the Comment text box, you can modify the message that is displayed for the outcome of the file transaction.
The search results are displayed. In the results list, click the record you want to view the details for.
You can view the following information in the Transaction details section:
*Transaction ID: Transaction ID for the file transfer.
*Transfer date and time: Start time of the transfer.
*File size: Size of the file.
*Transfer status: Whether the transfer was successful or unsuccessful.
*Source file: The file that is transferred from the source.
*Source location: The location of file that is located in the source.
*Trigger source: Source of the file transaction. Could be a User or an Action.
*Destination file: The file that is transferred to the destination.
*Destination location: The location of file that is located in the destination.
You can view the following information in the Activities section:
*Timestamp: Date and time of the associated activity.
*Transaction type: Whether the file transaction is an upload or download operation.
*Status: Whether the transfer is successful or unsuccessful.
*Action name: Name of the action in ActiveTransfer Server.
*Result: The message for the outcome of the file transaction.
*Details: The details for the outcome of the file transaction.

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Innovation Release