mimeData | Object The MIME object for which you want to retrieve the content. |
index | Integer (optional) The index number of the body part with the content you want to retrieve. The first body part is index number zero. To retrieve the content from a single-part message, set index to 0, and do not specify contentID. To retrieve the content for a specific part in a multi-part message, use either index or contentID. If you specify both, the service uses contentID. |
contentID | String (optional) The value of the Content-ID header field of the body part for which you want to retrieve content. To retrieve the content from a single-part message, do not use contentID; use index. To retrieve the content for a specific part in a multi-part message, use either contentID or index. If you specify both, the service uses contentID. |
content | InputStream An InputStream containing the content of the retrieved body part. The service removes all Content-Transfer-Encodings. Reading this stream consumes the MIME object, and you cannot use the wm.tn.mime:writeToStream service to re-create this object. |
bodyPart | Object (optional) A MIME object containing the retrieved body part. If the MIME message is a single-part message, this object is the same as passed in mimeData. |
encrypted | String (optional) Indicates whether bodyPart is an encrypted message. Valid values are: true - The MIME object in bodyPart is encrypted. false - The MIME object in bodyPart is not encrypted. |
signed | String (optional) Indicates whether bodyPart is a signed message. Valid values are: true - The MIME object in bodyPart is signed. false - The MIME object in bodyPart is not signed. |
certsOnly | String (optional) Indicates whether bodyPart contains digital certificates. Valid values are: true - The MIME object in bodyPart contains only digital certificates. false - The MIME object in bodyPart contains a regular payload. |