B2B Integration 10.4 | Administering and Monitoring B2B Transactions | Trading Networks Built-In Services Reference | Doc Folder | Summary of Elements in this Folder
Summary of Elements in this Folder
*Document Services. Use document services (services in thewm.tn.doc folder) to view and manipulate business documents.
The elements that are available in this folder are listed in the following table:
Adds custom attributes to a document.
Adds a new content part to a document. A content part can be, for example, a segment of a document or an attachment.
Changes the user status for a document.
Creates a new BizDocEnvelope that contains no document content.
Creates a reply document for a specified document.
Deletes documents that meet the specified criterion from the database. In addition to deleting documents, this service deletes the associated attributes, activity log entries, delivery tasks and relationships to and from this document.
Retrieves a content part from the specified document. A content part can be, for example, a segment of a document or an attachment.
Retrieves the content of a content part.
Retrieves the delivery content of the specified document.
Retrieves the activity log entries (events) that are associated with a specified document.
Retrieves the sender and receiver information for the specified document from the Trading Networks database.
Submits an inputStream to Trading Networks through a content handler so that the pipeline is formatted as if the inputStream had been submitted by an external client.
Saves the supplied document to the Trading Networks database.
Receives a document that Trading Networks is to recognize and returns a BizDocEnvelope that Trading Networks recognizes based on the defined set of document types. For flat files, this service also returns an IS document (IData object, TN_parms) that holds “hints” that Trading Networks uses for flat file document recognition.
Creates a one-way relationship between two documents.
Replaces an existing content part of a document with the supplied content part. A content part can be, for example, a segment of a document or an attachment.
Extracts the document content from a BizDocEnvelope in the database and resubmits the document content to Trading Networks to be processed as a new document.
Extracts the document content from one or more BizDocEnvelopes in the database and resubmits the content of the documents to Trading Networks to be processed as a new documents.
Updates, deletes, or adds an attribute value for a document in the BizDocEnvelope in memory.
Invokes the document verification service associated with the specified document to generate a digital signature for the document.
Updates custom attributes of a document in the database.
Updates the comment associated with a document in the database.
Updates system attributes of a document.
Invokes the document validation service associated with the specified document to validate the structure of the document.
Invokes the document verification service associated with the specified document to verify the digital signature on the document.
Retrieves a single document (envelope information and attributes) from the database; the service verifies that the client invoking the service is either the sending or receiving partner of the document being viewed or a Trading Networks administrator.
Retrieves a list of documents (envelope information) from the database; the service verifies that the client invoking the service is either the sending or receiving partner of the document being viewed or a Trading Networks administrator. Optionally, you can have the service retrieve the raw document contents, attributes and errors.
Retrieves a single document (envelope information and attributes) from the database; this service does not require the client invoking the service be a sender or receiver of the document being viewed.
*Flat File Document Services. Use flat file document services (services in the wm.tn.doc.ff folder) to validate the structure of a flat file document and to change which content types will be handled by the flat file content handler.
The elements that are available in this folder are listed in the following table:
Trading Networks uses this service to register those content types that will be handled by the flat file content handler.
Recognizes a flat file document and submits it for processing.
Validates the structure of a flat file document.
*XML Document Services. Use XML document services to manipulate XML business documents in Trading Networks.
The elements that are available in this folder are listed in the following table:
Transforms a business document into an IS document (IData object) based on the IS document type blueprint associated with the TN document type (if any).
Transforms an IS document (IData object) into an XML document and sends the resulting XML document into the document recognition engine to translate the XML document into a business document.
Recognizes an XML document and submits it for processing.

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