Adding a Certificate Set to Use with a Specific Partner
To add a certificate sets to use with a specific partner
1. On the Partner Profiles page, select the profile to which you want to add a specific certificate set.
2. Click the Certificates tab.
3. Click Add Certificate Set.
4. Search for and select the profiles of partners for which to add certificate sets. For details, see Searching for Assets). 5. For each partner, add a certificate set as follows:
a. Expand the tree for the partner.
b. Click in the Add/Remove column and click in the Edit column for the certificate to add. Note: The certificate set that you add first is the
primary certificate set. This is indicated by a
in the
Status column.
c. Add the private key associated with the certificate by doing one of the following:
For a partner profile: Browse to and select the private key file, and then upload the certificate file.
For your Enterprise profile: From the respective lists, select the keystore alias of the keystore containing the certificate and the alias of the private key used to access the certificate.
6. Optionally, add a second certificate set as follows:
a. Click in the Edit column for the second certificate. b. Click Browse next to Set Private Key and select the file containing the private key.
c. To add the certificate pair, click Add Certificate, click Browse, and then upload the certificate files.
d. Click OK.
7. Save the profile.