Configuring Cluster Synchronization
Integration Server propagates trigger management changes to other members of a cluster by performing a remote invoke. For cluster synchronization to succeed, you need to complete the following tasks:
Configure the cluster.
Integration Server can propagate trigger management changes to other servers only if all the servers are members of a properly configured cluster. For more information about configuring a cluster, see the
webMethods Integration Server Clustering Guide.
Update the watt.server.cluster.aliasList property with a comma-separated list of the remote server alias names.
Integration Server uses this list when executing the remote invokes that update the other cluster nodes.
Note: Integration Servers that belong to the cluster but are not in this list will not be updated during cluster synchronization.
When cluster synchronization property watt.server.cluster.aliasList is properly configured, the Apply Change Across Cluster check box will be visible when performing trigger management tasks.