B2B Integration 10.4 | Administering and Monitoring B2B Transactions | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Managing Users and Groups | Defining a User Account | Adding User Accounts
Adding User Accounts
Use the following procedure to add a user account for a user.
* To add a user account to the server
1. Open the Integration Server Administrator if it is not already open.
2. In the Security menu of the Navigation panel, click User Management.
3. Click Add and Remove Users.
4. In the Create Users section of the screen, specify the following information:
User Names
A unique user name made up of a combination of letters, numbers, or symbols. You can specify one user name per line. Press ENTER to separate the lines.
Important: User names are case sensitive. When you create a user account, type it exactly as you want the client to enter it.
Note: The string "SAMLart" is a reserved word in Integration Server. Do not create an Integration Server user name consisting of this word.
A password made up of a combination of letters, numbers, or symbols.
A password is required and cannot be a null value or an empty string.
Important: Passwords are case sensitive. Type these values exactly as you want the client to enter it.
Be sure to select passwords that are difficult to guess. For example, use a mixture of upper- and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. Do not use a name, phone number, social security number, license plate or other generally available information.
Re-Enter Password
The same password again to make sure you typed it correctly.
5. Select Allow Digest Authentication to use password digest as an authentication option.
6. Click Create Users.

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