B2B Integration 10.4 | Administering and Monitoring B2B Transactions | webMethods Module for EDI | Handling Large Documents When Using Trading Networks | Overview
A large EDI document is defined as either an EDI document that contains many interchanges, many groups, and many transactions, or as a transaction that contains many line items. Typically, when using webMethods Module for EDI (Module for EDI) with webMethods Trading Networks (Trading Networks), Module for EDI uses the Trading Networks large document settings.
Tip: To simplify large document handling for all of your documents, you might choose to assign identical values to some or all of the Module for EDI and Trading Networks large document settings.
However, some services provided with the WmEDI package process large documents differently. When these services are invoked, Module for EDI uses the Module for EDI large document settings described in Configuring Module for EDI for Large Document Handling.
The following services use the Module for EDI large document settings. You might invoke these services from a Trading Networks processing rule.
*For ANSI X12 and UN/EDIFACT documents:
* wm.b2b.edi:envelopeProcess
* wm.b2b.edi:convertToValues
* wm.b2b.edi.util:generateFA
*For TRADACOMS and VDA documents:
* wm.b2b.edi.tradacoms:convertToValues

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