LateFA Variables
Use the
LateFA variables for tracking the late functional acknowledgments for a partner pair. For more information, see
Tracking Late Functional
LateFA/LateFATime EDITPA Variable
Default: (no default)
The LateFA/LateFATime variable indicates the time in minutes by which Trading Networks must receive the FA for a partner pair. When Trading Networks receives the FA late, Module for EDI sets the Late FA attribute of the original document to Y in Trading Networks.
For a partner pair, Module for EDI checks the Trading Networks database to find the time difference between the time the document was sent and the time the sender receives the FA. When the time difference is more than the value of the LateFA/LateFATime variable, the module sets the Late FA attribute of the original document to Y in Trading Networks. When the FA is not late, the Late FA attribute of the original document is set to N.
When the value of the
LateFA/LateFATime variable is 0 or a negative integer, the module does not consider any FA as late for the partner pair.
When the value of the
LateFA/LateFATime variable is a positive integer, if
Trading Networks receives the FA later than the value of the
LateFA/LateFATime variable, the module sets the
Late FA attribute of the original document in
Trading Networks to Y. If
Trading Networks receives the FA within the time specified by the
LateFA/LateFATime variable, the module sets the
Late FA attribute to N.
When the value of the
LateFA/LateFATime variable is not set, the Late FA attributes of the original documents are not set.
LateFA/LateFAForX12Group EDITPA Variable
Default: (no default)
The LateFA/LateFAForX12Group variable defines the late FA setting for the X12 groups specified in the LateFA/LateFAForX12Group/groupType variables.
Note: Module for EDI does not support tracking of late FAs for UN/EDIFACT groups.
LateFA/LateFAForX12Group/groupType EDITPA Variable
Default: (no default)
The LateFA/LateFAForX12Group/groupType variables indicate the X12 groups used for tracking the late FAs.
When the original document does not contain any of the groups specified in LateFA/LateFAForX12Group/groupType variables, Module for EDI tracks the late FAs at the partner pair level by considering the time indicated in the LateFA/LateFATime variable.
LateFA/LateFAForX12Group/LateFATime EDITPA Variable
Default: (no default)
The LateFA/LateFAForX12Group/LateFATime variable indicates the time in minutes by which Trading Networks must receive the FA for the specified group. When Trading Networks receives the FA late for the group, Module for EDI sets the Late FA attribute to Y for all the transactions in that group in Trading Networks.
For a group indicated in the LateFA/LateFAForX12Group/groupType variable of a partner pair, the module checks the Trading Networks database to find the time difference between the time the Group document was sent and the time the sender receives the FA. When the time difference is more than the value of the LateFA/LateFAForX12Group/LateFATime variable for the specified group, the module sets the Late FA attribute to Y for all the transactions of the specified group in Trading Networks. When the FA for the group is not late, the Late FA attribute is set to N for all the transactions in that group.
After Module for EDI sets the Late FA attribute for a document for that group, the module does not consider the duplicate FAs that Trading Networks may receive later.
When the value of the
LateFA/LateFAForX12Group/LateFATime variable is 0 or less, the module does not consider any FA as late for the group specified by the
LateFA/LateFAForX12Group/groupType variable.
When the value of the
LateFA/LateFAForX12Group/LateFATime variable is a positive integer, the module sets the
Late FA attribute of the original document to Y if
Trading Networks receives the FA late for the group specified by the
LateFA/LateFAForX12Group/groupType variable.
When the value of the
LateFA/LateFAForX12Group/LateFATime variable is not set, the Late FA attributes of the specified Group documents are not set.